This treatment has been a small revolution in non-invasive remodeling, with a great acceptance in the field of aesthetics as it is a new medical protocol based on the use of a revolutionary technology that manages to develop the muscles in the abdominal area and buttocks, while reducing fat. And all this in a non-invasive and practically painless way.

Undoubtedly, the success of this technique is quite reasonable, since we are talking about a treatment that helps to achieve a flat and firm belly without effort. In fact, the procedure has been baptized as the 20,000 abdominal machine, given that each session is equivalent to that approximate number of sit-ups; or squats, in the case that it is applied to the buttocks. Its mode of action is based on the application of high intensity electromagnetic impulses, achieving a 16 % muscle development and a fat reduction of up to 20 %.

The main difference with other known procedures is that EMSCULPT is the only one that, in addition to burning fat, manages to generate muscle at the same time. Also, it does not require the application of heat or cold, so it does not leave scars and there is no risk of burns and inflammation.

How effective is EMSCULPT?

EMSCULPT offers clinically proven results. After the treatment the treated person achieves a noticeable percentage of fat loss, while defining the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. These high intensity electromagnetic fields have 2500 gauss, and penetrate the musculature up to 7 centimeters. And the best thing is that the treatment is carried out in a focused way in a specific area. Usually abdomen and buttocks.

EMSCULPT offers clinically proven results. After the treatment, the treated person manages to lose an evident percentage of fat, while defining the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. The results are noticeable right after the treatment. Although they reach their peak 2 to 4 weeks after the last session, and continue to improve in the weeks following the treatment.

It should be noted that the results are more efficient in people who play sports regularly and are in good shape, but who cannot define muscle or eliminate localized fat in the aforementioned areas, neither with diets nor in the gym. Therefore, the ideal patients are those men and women who wish to strengthen and define the abdominal and buttock muscles quickly and safely without the need to exercise intensively, since one session is equivalent to 20,000 complete muscle contractions.


The information provided on the website does not replace but rather complements the relationship between the health professional and their patient or visitor and in case of doubt you should consult your reference health professional.

How many EMSCULPT sessions are needed?

The number of sessions depends mainly on the physical condition, age, body mass index and other factors of the person to be treated. Generally speaking, however, a minimum of 4 scheduled sessions are performed, 2 to 3 days apart. Each session lasts 20 to 30 minutes. In any case, the provider will draw up a treatment plan perfectly adapted to the goals and specific characteristics of each person.

The sessions do not interfere at all with the patients' lifestyle and daily tasks. In fact, some people report that the contractions are perceived as relaxing massages, and even take advantage of the time at the doctor's office to rest, read or sleep. Once the procedure is completed, patients return to their daily tasks without experiencing any discomfort or pain.

How long do EMSCULPT results last?

Clinical studies corroborate that most people retain ideal muscle and fat levels even one year after completing the treatment. However, it is advisable to request a new consultation a few months after the end of the sessions, in order to check if the patient can benefit from other treatments or if it is convenient to carry out a session after these months. It is also important to remember that a healthy lifestyle is essential to maintain ideal results in the long term.

The change is noticeable after the treatment, and the results in the abdominal area are seen with more precision as the muscles begin to show or are accentuated, resulting in a much more aesthetically pleasing flat stomach. Regarding the buttocks, the most noticeable change is the change in the contour. Upon receiving the electrical impulses from EMSCULPT, the area is noticeably contoured in a short period of time,

so that the buttocks will appear more naturally enhanced. Al recibir los impulsos eléctricos de EMSCULPT, se moldea ostensiblemente la zona en cuestión de poco tiempo, de modo que se percibirán más realzados de forma natural.

The information provided on the website does not replace but rather complements the relationship between the health professional and their patient or visitor and in case of doubt you should consult your reference health professional.