Facial Mesotherapy

These microinjections act by regulating cell growth, slowing down oxidation and aging, and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin, all in a single session. Facial mesotherapy is applied to the face, neck and décolleté.


The facial vitamins, nutrients, and minerals of facial mesotherapy have an intense effect but a limited duration, having to perform 3 monthly sessions and then 1 maintenance session every six months.

Facial mesotherapy is used to rejuvenate, tone, and revitalize facial skin, improving its texture, shine and thickness. It is indicated for people over 30 years of age who begin to show signs of aging. Facial mesotherapy also helps in other vital processes for skin balance and cellular metabolism.


tratamiento mesoterapia en Barcelona

Facial mesotherapy or mesolifting: how it is applied and its benefits

Mesolifting is an aesthetic medicine technique used to rejuvenate the face. As we age, we know that tissue metabolism decreases, as well as the thickness of facial tissues. With the passage of time everything gets thinner... skin, muscles, bones, etc. get thinner.

Mesolifting or facial mesotherapy uses a method to counteract the effects of aging caused by the decrease in collagen fibers, the glycoprotein structure, and the alteration of microcirculation, stimulating the skin's regeneration processes.

With this technique, a product or a mixture of products composed of hyaluronic acid, vitamins (ACDE), trace elements and antioxidants is injected under the epidermis through a very fine needle.

The hydrophilic properties of hyaluronic acid can attract water and inflate the tissue (dermis) with water and thus hydrate, nourish and stimulate it. Hyaluronic acid can also be combined with botulinum toxin to act also on the muscular component and thus have a tenfold lifting effect on expression lines, obtaining a smooth and polished skin. The hyaluronic acid used in mesolifting is cross-linked, that is, it is not very concentrated because its function in this case is not to fill but to moisturize. A high cross-linking index allows to fill in depth empty areas or depressions.

Vitamin complexes, for their part, help to activate the various biological metabolisms of the skin, acting as a real restructuring of the cutaneous tissue. Vitamin C enables the synthesis of collagen and the stimulation of fibroblasts.

It is an immediate biorevitalization action, which has a long-lasting action (when sessions are repeated), specifically intended for fine, dull skin, with wrinkles caused by smoking or excessively exposed to sunlight or air pollution.

Facial mesotherapy can be applied on the cheeks, the facial oval, the periocular area (crow's feet and cheekbones), the lower eyelids, but also on the neck and décolleté. No skin test is needed before starting and the sessions are conducted using a syringe-gun that repeats the injections every 1-2 cm to form a sort of grid in the treated region.

After these injections, which may cause some redness, the skin is cleansed and refreshed by applying a soothing cream. The duration of the treatment can vary from half an hour to 1 hour. The redness will disappear in a few hours, allowing the patient to resume daily activities. Small scabs or bruises may form, but they will disappear quickly in a few days. A meeting every 3 months after treatment is sufficient. It all depends on the results obtained, the type of skin and the patient's age.

The information provided on the website does not replace but rather complements the relationship between the health professional and their patient or visitor and in case of doubt you should consult your reference health professional.